Monday, November 9, 2015

today world

what as this world became. must I be catholic to work to catholic school. when I'm a young student I'm aloud to go ta an Catholic school doesn't matter my religion whether I'm  Adventist, Christian in general, Anglican, Buddhist etc... we all study at the catholic school but when  it comes in time to play for a job at that same school I studied to I  can't teach at  the catholic school because in not catholic. what has this world become. why do we hate and despise our own rights to exist. grace by love we are her and not religion if we didn't love at first place we will always continue to hate in second place and even third place no love no life no peace and no future. So tell me, what why are we fighting over something that does not bring good in us. We ae just fll of injust we dont see the wrong in us but w only see the wrong in others. One thing  I can sure you is that the greates gift  tha you can give to others is the gift of unconditional love and acceptance because though that we will all see the beauty of life, what life is really about.


Love! love is what reunite us. we are so concern of other's religion but come to think of it... why can't we put religion aside and focus on what matter what is life without love. they say that love is patient, love is kind. It does not boast, it is not  proud in the book of (1 Corinthians 13:4) international version (NIV) we should learn how to love one another because where there's love there is life. Think about  how you feel when you love never think of hurting that person, you always know how to to make that person happy. when you love someone unconditionally everything seem alright . That how life should feel like comfort and satisfactions. why should we let region take away what we have bright future for our kids, grandchildren. We sholud learn how to love  learn how to love your enemies and pray for those who persecute us. 
Why must you kill him because he does not believe believe in what you bilieve or what you think is right? This life is to short to mind about other people's lives.

different believes

Our not the same ou all havd the right to be believe in whatever you want. cause we dot have to someone's religion but to respect their religion. Beacuse  I'm not catholic you will not employ me bcause of my religion. You can't eat, share or eve talk to me because religion. life is about accepting someone for who they are not by race or religion because I might be Islam or buddhist and still no a criminal  but  kind instead than someone who's catholic or christian. I thik that the conflict that  people are bringing  against other's religion is taking  away our happiness and the love that reunite you ans I.
 If I'm christian, Islam  catholic Buddhist  or whatsoever just name it.whats the different between me and you. We bleed the same color of blood, we all breath the same air we all  have soul thoughts and dreams  what is religion to separet us?.what alse makes us different.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

No better religion than other

Many conflicts have been going on around the world and if we clearly look inside out the main reason is Religion. Many of us think our religion is better than theirs, my religion is better than yours. But come to think of it, think more realist there's no religion better than the other. In my believe, I believe that  just because we are all in different religion  doesn't make us different or perfect from one  another. We're all the same. 
  Doesn't mater what religion you're in what's right its right and what's wrong its wrong We should stop deceiving our selves its you and I that made the religion not God, God has no religion. what's matters is to do what's what is right to love one another so we can live and raise out kids in health and peaceful world or otherwise there's no pleasure any of us will find in this world. be proud of what you believe in it's a personal choice no one should you to believe in what your;re against in. But remember what goes around come back around. be careful with whatever you're doing.