Many of us has misunderstood the main meaning of religion and behave completely outside of it. the most commun conplains that many of us say; that religion is the cause of many conflicts in this world , the terrorism, violence, that spirit of not accepting others for who they are or seeing ourselves different from the other is all wrong because as a christian the bible tell us in the book of Mark 12:31 that love your neighbor as yourself.
There is no commandment greater than these. Exodus 20:112-16 that 12 “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you. 13 “You shall not murder. 14 “You shall not commit adultery. 15 “You shall not steal. 16 “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor. But we have turn all this commandments to and to completely the opposite of what is right even the society encourage us to do what’s wrong.But if only we could all live following the law that our religion ask us to do things or none of us would have been living this kind of fearful life,worries, lack of trust for our brothers and sisters, hatress, the courage of hurting our neighbors, killing,prejudges, terrorism ete. Because we are so full of ignorance, we are so greedy, we never had enough of what we have, As the world says: "You have needs, satisfy them. You have as much right as the rich and the mighty. Don't hesitate to satisfy your needs; indeed, expand your needs and demand more." This is the worldly doctrine of today. And they believe that this is freedom. The result for the rich is isolation and suicide, for the poor, envy and murder.” ― Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov “I am afraid that our eyes are bigger than our stomachs, and that we have more curiosity than understanding. We grasp at everything, but catch nothing except wind.”
― Michel de Montaigne, The Complete Essays This is the world of today.
I agree 100% with you in todays socitey. Thew first thing you said I say the same thing to my self. good job keep up the work it could help in the future and hopefully now to.